

an arepa with a face!

josé davila-ciullo (they/them)! I'm a CS student (systems track) at stanford, some of my interests include:

  • piracy
  • game dev/design (esp with bevy)
  • videogames
  • internet privacy
  • computer/network security
  • p2p protocols
  • cryptography
  • anarchism
  • critical theory

reach me at...

  • ihackpigs<at>protonmail<dot>com
  • josedav<at>stanford<dot>edu

A playable concept for a point-n-click 2D adventure made with Godot and Popochiu.

A catastrophic climate collapse forces humanity to flee Earth. Take control of Nova—a horse's cryogenically preserved head accidentally reanimated after 3000 years when his chamber leaks onto a John Deere android mow-bot. Once the beloved companion of Chevy, a Texan farmer who couldn't bear to leave his trusty steed behind during the evacuation, Nova must navigate a transformed Earth abandoned by the NEIGH program (Nationwide Evacuation to Intergalactic Habitable Sanctuaries). With his consciousness now inhabiting farm machinery, Nova embarks on a bizarre journey through a world reclaimed by nature, searching for answers about what remains of the universe and the fate of his human companion.

A demo for an anti(?)-dating sim made with Ren'Py that explores the idea of mankeeping.

Inspired by Ferrara and Vergara's 2024 research on "mankeeping," fiximupim explores the heavy emotional labor women pick up in heterosexual relationships. Play as one of god's angels, entrusted with rehabilitating men you've been matched to before breaking up with them and releasing them into the dating sphere. Players navigate the challenging task of cultivating six key traits in their virtual partners—from emotional intelligence to responsibility. Fiximupim balances playful game mechanics with social critique, creating an introspective experience for anyone who's ever thought, "I can fix him."

An audiovisualizer crafted in ChucK and ChuGL that transforms sound into a letter (of sorts).

Inspired by the question "how can i make a visualizer write me a letter?", this visualizer algorithmically generates words whose properties - rotation, spacing, length, number of samples shown, color, and line thickness - respond directly to audio input. The visualizer analyzes incoming sound using RMS and maximum amplitude to control various parameters of the writing. Punctuation is added during musical pauses, and the writing speed and content shift in response to the audio's characteristics.

A minimal DNS recursive resolver written using only Rust's standard library.

rustydns was made as part of my senior capstone, with the goal of learning Rust through a systems-oriented project.